Science: Professor Resia Pretorious On Lactoferrin

Professor Resia Pretorious is a physiologist from the Department of Physiological Sciences at the University of Stellenbosch, a prestigious university town near Cape Town. Her research interests are abnormal blood clotting and discovering circulating inflammatory...

Emma Davies’ Top Immunity Tips

We are well and truly nose-diving into winter now, with all the sniffles and sneezes that come with it. Yes, we have Leapfrog IMMUNE in our arsenal – a power punch to coughs and colds...

How Is Lactoferrin Made?

Where does the Lactoferrin in Leapfrog’s immune support supplement come from? How is it made, and how does it work to protect us against viruses and bacteria? Leapfrog founder Stephanie Drax spoke to Audrey Boulier,...

Soak Up The Sun – And Free Vitamin D

This summer’s heat wave may have had us sheltering in the shade, but now that its cooled off we should soak up some free Vitamin D. Government guidance suggests 10 - 15 minutes of unprotected...

Science: Lactoferrin Can Stop A Summer Cold

While we tend to think of winter as the sniffle season, summer has its own variety of viruses that can get you in their grip. Chances are you may feel worse in summer too, because...

Lactoferrin Starves Viruses into Submission

Though it sounds like an outlandish 1950s B-movie, it’s true: Lactoferrin can help starve viruses and bacteria into submission. Lactoferrin (LF) is found at all the entry points of our bodies and is a vital...

These People Helped Me Take The Leap

Just before the Leapfrog light bulb moment in 2018, I’d called a scientist, Dr Nicholas Larkins, to ask about natural remedies to promote gut health and potentially stop the endless cycle of colds that skipped...

Dr Noelle Patno On Lactoferrin

Noelle Patno, PhD is an independent consultant for nutritional research. Dr Patno received her PhD in Molecular Metabolism and Nutrition and a Masters in Translational Science from the University of Chicago. Her research involved studying...

Meet The Scientist Who Loves Lactoferrin

Dr Hamid Merchant is Leapfrog’s consultant Pharmaceutical Scientist and is based at the University of Huddersfield where he teaches research and works with pharma companies to improve their products’ efficacy and safety. In 2021 he...