Lactoferrin's Role in Bone Growth

Professor Jillian Cornish is a biomedical researcher living in New Zealand and currently teaching at The University of Auckland. Stephanie Drax, Leapfrog's founder, met Professor at the Lactoferrin Conference in Rome in 2023, where she presented her...

Win The Ultimate Exam Toolkit For Your Teen

A BUNDLE OF GOODIES WORTH OVER £250  With school exams and GCSEs on the horizon, kids up and down the country will have heads in books. Stress levels might be high, sleep elusive and nerves on...

Can Lactoferrin Make You Smarter?

Bing Wang is a professor of physiology and nutrition at Charles Sturt University in Australia and she's been conducting some fascinating research on the relationship between cognition and lactoferrin. Leapfrog's founder, Stephanie Drax, interviewed her...

3 Practices For Well-being, Health and Inner Peace

Anna Marie Gough has become one of the eminent breathwork and cold water immersion coaches in the UK, helping people find calm, happiness and balance in their work, relationships, and life. As Leapfrog's founder, I've...

Small Daily Habits For Big Health Returns

Everyone might be strapped for cash after Christmas, but there's one January investment that always makes sense: our health. 'New Year, New You' goes the overused slogan, but the idea of taking fresh interest in...

'Tis The Sneezon For Coughs & Colds

Christmas is just around the corner and ’tis the season to be jolly, but for lots of us, it's also the season to be sneezy and sniffly. Carol concerts are accompanied by a chorus of...

The Rebellion Of Kindness - Leapfrog's London Event

I recently hosted Leapfrog’s first event, and did so alongside three inspiring women: Renée Elliott (founder of Planet Organic), Gillian Ridley-Whittle (founder of Peachaus) and Anna-Marie Gough (breathwork/cold water immersion coach).  We held an intimate...

Lactoferrin: "A God Particle" Say Scientists

“It's Magic”. “A Hero”. “A Gem”. “A God Particle”. This is how Lactoferrin was described among fifty scientists when they each took to the stage in Rome in November to share their latest research on...

What's In Your Wellness Winter Bag?

Stephanie Drax, Leapfrog's founder, tells us what's in her winter bag and why...   "For me, summer is about a raffia bag stocked with shades, SPF and sun hat, but what don't I leave home without in...