Vitamin C: The Powerful Protector

Just when you think you know everything there is to know about Vitamin C – one of the most common micronutrients found in food – a shiny new scientific study comes along that elevates this...

Lactoferrin’s Effects Against Norovirus

It’s enough to make your stomach turn: the norovirus, also known as the “cruise ship” or “ski resort” virus, is a sick bug that seems to be lingering longer this year. The Health Security Agency...

Why Our Guts Love Lactoferrin

Gut health has become hallowed in the wellness world, and for good reason: a gut microbiome with a diverse array of “good bacteria” has a positive effect on our immune function, inflammation, allergies, metabolism, weight...

Bitesize Exercise For Immunity

If the thought of a HIIT workout or a long run makes your hair stand on end, you might want to try ‘exercising snacking’, the new movement (pardon the pun) of bitesize exercise that health...

6 Sleep Habits To Live By

Do you wake up in the morning feeling exhausted? Find it challenging to fall asleep when you go to bed? Do you burn the midnight oil binge watching TV or catching up on work? You’re...

A Flu, Cold, & Covid Protocol

Winter is the time to be militant out about daily immunity rituals. At Leapfrog Remedies we believe that the pillars of a strong immune system are good nutrition, regular exercise, quality sleep and stress management...

Zinc: The Mighty Mineral

Deep inside your body, dozens of vitamins and minerals play essential roles in your cells and organs, making sure you function optimally. One of the superheroes of our Leapfrog IMMUNE lactoferrin tablets is zinc –...

Eating To Crush Cancer

An alarming fact: according to the NHS, one in two people will develop a form of cancer in their lifetime. Of course there are many healthy lifestyle habits that can improve our chances of avoiding...

Study Proves Lactoferrin’s Effect Against Covid

Carmen Mirabelli, Ph.D, a virologist, was part of an immunology team at the University of Michigan in the States that released a ground-breaking study in 2021. At a time (pre-vaccine) when the world was looking...