What's In Your Wellness Winter Bag?
Stephanie Drax, Leapfrog's founder, tells us what's in her winter bag and why...

"For me, summer is about a raffia bag stocked with shades, SPF and sun hat, but what don't I leave home without in winter? Here are my must-have, purse-sized essentials as it gets darker, colder, and more tangibly Christmas."
Leapfrog IMMUNE - With its hero antimicrobial ingredient, Lactoferrin, I always have this to hand in case anyone coughs or splutters in my direction - I feel so much better protected!

Better You Vitamin D - Now that our skin is exposed to less sun I up my intake of Vitamin D. I like to have it in a convenient spray and the science says it’s better absorbed that way too.

Beauty Pie SPF 50 - Having said there’s less sun, the harmful UV rays still continue to break down cells and in winter the ozone is at its thinnest. I use sunscreen every day of the year.

Clarins Hand & Nail Treatment - My hands - knuckles particularly - become red and cracked as the temperature plummets. The sesame oil and Japanese mulberry extract in this cream form a second shield.

Turtle Dove Wrist Warmers - I like to keep my wrists warm but my fingers free (99% of the time for my phone specifically) and Turtle Doves make the cosiest cashmere wristwarmers in kaleidoscopic colours.

Aesop Rinse-free Hand Wash - Soap and water kills more germs than hand sanitisers (which can also be drying) but this hydrating wash is the next best thing - no water required.

Beauty Pie Healthy Skin Oil - Come winter it’s all about barrier repair as central and radiator heating parch our skin. We need more oils on the surface of the skin to trap in water and bolster the skin’s barrier.

Green & Blacks 70% Dark Chocolate - It’s a superfood more highly rated than blueberries and acai berries, and it’s rich in minerals iron, magnesium, copper, manganese, zinc…Any excuse, right?
"I would love to know what you’ve got in your bag this season!
Share a pic on Instagram and tag us with #whatsinmybag"