Leapfrog Presents:

Anna Gough Sleep Meditation

Welcome to Leapfrog Presents, the first in our series of wellness videos and audio tracks. We are delighted to offer our community a free-to-access pre-sleep meditation by breathwork coach Anna Marie Gough.

Simply enter your details below and we will send you the link: 22 minutes of blissful meditation!

Anne Marie Gough

Anna's training, expertise and life experience gives her an understand of your unique pattern of breath, and she can help guide you back to your natural rhythm.

"If your stress levels are high, if you suffer from brain fog, poor sleep and digestion, fatigue, body aches and pains, these can all be greatly improved if we can bring awareness to how we are breathing."

Anna offers personal and in-office corporate breathwork sessions and also cold water immersion and infra-red sauna therapy at her retreat in the Buckinghamshire countryside.

Leapfrog SNOOZE

Leapfrog SNOOZE contains a trio of sleep-promoting goodies:

⭐ Lactium® is a patented natural milk protein hydrolysate that increases the flow of the calming neurotransmitter GABA and reduces cortisol levels. 9 trials have found Lactium® to decrease stress and increase the quality and quantity of sleep.

⭐ Lactoferrin is an anti-inflammatory milk protein that improves sleep quality.

⭐ Vitamin B6 is a dream-enhancing vitamin that aids in the produciton of serotonin and dopamine (the happy hormones) and melatonin (the sleep hormone).

Suitable from age 7.