How To Stop A Cold Taking Hold

The first niggle of a new cold presents itself differently in everyone. For me, that "Oh no, I'm coming down with something!" moment is when my throat feels like sandpaper. For others, their nose let's them know,...

Colostrum or Lactoferrin - Which Is Better And Why?

Colostrum, often hailed as “Liquid Gold”, and lactoferrin, dubbed “Pink Gold”, are both gaining attention for their immune-boosting properties. Derived primarily from cow's milk, both supplements are said to support immunity, fight infection, lower inflammation and...

Airline Hygiene: Stay Healthy At 35,000 Feet

If you're lucky enough to be hopping on a plane soon for a well-deserved holiday, then you will want to arrive healthy and happy. Whether you’re jetting off on a city break, or taking a long-haul...

Hay Fever: The Cause And Cure

Hay fever affects 1 in 4 adults in the UK (1 in 10 children) and research shows that numbers are rising. Throw into the mix  some potent pollen, and it seems we’re especially vulnerable to the...

Lactoferrin's Role in Bone Growth

Professor Jillian Cornish is a biomedical researcher living in New Zealand and currently teaching at The University of Auckland. Stephanie Drax, Leapfrog's founder, met Professor at the Lactoferrin Conference in Rome in 2023, where she presented her...

Win The Ultimate Exam Toolkit For Your Teen

A BUNDLE OF GOODIES WORTH OVER £250  With school exams and GCSEs on the horizon, kids up and down the country will have heads in books. Stress levels might be high, sleep elusive and nerves on...

Can Lactoferrin Make You Smarter?

Bing Wang is a professor of physiology and nutrition at Charles Sturt University in Australia and she's been conducting some fascinating research on the relationship between cognition and lactoferrin. Leapfrog's founder, Stephanie Drax, interviewed her...

3 Practices For Well-being, Health and Inner Peace

Anna Marie Gough has become one of the eminent breathwork and cold water immersion coaches in the UK, helping people find calm, happiness and balance in their work, relationships, and life. As Leapfrog's founder, I've...

Small Daily Habits For Big Health Returns

Everyone might be strapped for cash after Christmas, but there's one January investment that always makes sense: our health. 'New Year, New You' goes the overused slogan, but the idea of taking fresh interest in...