Menopause: Leap Into Your Second Spring

October is Menopause Awareness Month, a time to reflect on the latest research, science and collective female experience powering women through midlife to flourishment in their ‘Second Spring’. Lactoferrin and Lactium® – the key ingredients of...

The Surprising Benefits of Sleep Masks

When it's hard to switch off, achieving a restful night's sleep can be more of a challenge. Enter the sleep mask: an unassuming accessory with profound effects on both sleep quality and cognitive abilities. Embracing Darkness for...

Summer Sleep Hacks From An Expert

The holidays are here, but how can you embrace the heat, relax your routine and optimise your sleep? Summer sleep is often a travel paradox: more time and opportunity for rest, but unfamiliar hot bedrooms, different sounds...

Why Do I Get Sick More Than Others?

Whether or not you take a concoction of vitamins each morning and gobble all of your greens, everyone gets ill from time to time. Regardless of the time of year, nasty viruses and bacteria find their way...

A Toolkit for Tackling Test Anxiety

Summer has begun: the evenings are lighter and flowers are in full bloom. However, for many children and young people May, June and July usher in a time of year that can be daunting and stressful: exam...

Sleep: A Keystone Of Your Immunity Toolkit

Here at Leapfrog Remedies, we are always talking about the ways in which we can actively look after our health and support our immune systems to prevent us from getting ill. These include exercising regularly,...

6 Sleep Habits To Live By

Do you wake up in the morning feeling exhausted? Find it challenging to fall asleep when you go to bed? Do you burn the midnight oil binge watching TV or catching up on work? You’re...

What’s GABA (And Why Do I Need It)?

When it comes to improving sleep, tips such as avoiding staring at screens at night and consuming caffeine might spring to mind. The benefits of these sleep techniques and others that we write about in...

The Secret To Less Stress & More Sleep

Sleep is the bedrock of good health. Without it, we feel irritable and unproductive. A 2022 Stada study has found that UK adults sleep worse than the rest of Europe, so what’s keeping us awake...