A Flu, Cold, & Covid Protocol

Winter is the time to be militant out about daily immunity rituals. At Leapfrog Remedies we believe that the pillars of a strong immune system are good nutrition, regular exercise, quality sleep and stress management...

Zinc: The Mighty Mineral

Deep inside your body, dozens of vitamins and minerals play essential roles in your cells and organs, making sure you function optimally. One of the superheroes of our Leapfrog IMMUNE lactoferrin tablets is zinc –...

Study Proves Lactoferrin’s Effect Against Covid

Carmen Mirabelli, Ph.D, a virologist, was part of an immunology team at the University of Michigan in the States that released a ground-breaking study in 2021. At a time (pre-vaccine) when the world was looking...

Science: Lactoferrin Helps Beat Holiday Bugs

The holiday you’ve long had on the horizon is now a glorious finish line with all the fanfare. But when you finally get there, you get sick. It’s so unfair! But why does this so...

Emma Davies’ Top Immunity Tips

We are well and truly nose-diving into winter now, with all the sniffles and sneezes that come with it. Yes, we have Leapfrog IMMUNE in our arsenal – a power punch to coughs and colds...

Soak Up The Sun – And Free Vitamin D

This summer’s heat wave may have had us sheltering in the shade, but now that its cooled off we should soak up some free Vitamin D. Government guidance suggests 10 - 15 minutes of unprotected...

Why Laughter Really Is The Best Medicine

At Leapfrog we’re often saying how brilliant the body is at producing wondrous molecules like lactoferrin that keep us healthy (and how lucky that we can harness its power in our chewable tablets). But if we...

Science: Lactoferrin Can Stop A Summer Cold

While we tend to think of winter as the sniffle season, summer has its own variety of viruses that can get you in their grip. Chances are you may feel worse in summer too, because...

Cold Water Swimming For Improved Immunity

When it comes to wild swimming, there are many upsides to taking the plunge. A study from 2011 found that cold water helps to boost white blood cell count as the body is forced to react to...