What's In Your Wellness Winter Bag?

Stephanie Drax, Leapfrog's founder, tells us what's in her winter bag and why...   "For me, summer is about a raffia bag stocked with shades, SPF and sun hat, but what don't I leave home without in...

Menopause: Leap Into Your Second Spring

October is Menopause Awareness Month, a time to reflect on the latest research, science and collective female experience powering women through midlife to flourishment in their ‘Second Spring’. Lactoferrin and Lactium® – the key ingredients of...

Lactoferrin Can Bind Microplastics in Humans

Kiran Krishnan is a microbiologist who is passionate about capabilities of microbial ecosystems and for our health and wellbeing. He has a special interest in probiotics and prebiotics to modulate the immune system and believes...

Why Do I Get Sick More Than Others?

Whether or not you take a concoction of vitamins each morning and gobble all of your greens, everyone gets ill from time to time. Regardless of the time of year, nasty viruses and bacteria find their way...

Lactoferrin: The Ultimate Immune Booster

We at Leapfrog are passionate about the multiple health benefits of Lactoferrin and are often to be found standing on our soap boxes (or sitting for an Insta Live) extolling its virtues. If you're looking...

Two Rituals To Boost Your Immune System

The seasonal change from winter to spring can see a surge in illness, but how we begin and end the day can have a meaningful impact on our immune systems. Science says that how we...

Vitamin C: The Powerful Protector

Just when you think you know everything there is to know about Vitamin C – one of the most common micronutrients found in food – a shiny new scientific study comes along that elevates this...

Lactoferrin’s Effects Against Norovirus

It’s enough to make your stomach turn: the norovirus, also known as the “cruise ship” or “ski resort” virus, is a sick bug that seems to be lingering longer this year. The Health Security Agency...

Bitesize Exercise For Immunity

If the thought of a HIIT workout or a long run makes your hair stand on end, you might want to try ‘exercising snacking’, the new movement (pardon the pun) of bitesize exercise that health...