Six Daily Habits for Better Immune Health

Studies show that lactoferrin, zinc and vitamin C pack a powerful punch against pathogens – that’s why you’ll find them all in our formula. But at Leapfrog, we believe encouraging your body’s immune system to...

These People Helped Me Take The Leap

Just before the Leapfrog light bulb moment in 2018, I’d called a scientist, Dr Nicholas Larkins, to ask about natural remedies to promote gut health and potentially stop the endless cycle of colds that skipped...

Better Health, One Step At A Time

Have lockdowns 1 - 3 made you yearn to yomp in nature? With so many doors shut over the last 10 months, we’ve been forced outdoors more than ever before. Living in concrete London, I’ve...

Rhodiola Makes You More Resistant To Stress

At Leapfrog we believe that the body is brilliant and will function optimally if we give it the micronutrients that it needs, together with sleep, exercise and minimal stress. We’ve long known plants have the...

For Immunity, Don’t Cheat On Sleep

Whether you’re a morning person or a night owl, the science says you should have 7-8 hours of shut-eye per night for optimal health. It’s not just that you’ll think and feel better, but you’ll...

6 Health Benefits Of Rosehip

At Leapfrog we believe that the body is brilliant and will function optimally if we give it the micronutrients that it needs, together with sleep, exercise and minimal stress. We’ve long known plants have the...

Starting Leapfrog From Zero

I often wonder if I’d done a business degree, or a course, or even just a class, it would’ve been easier to become an entrepreneur BUT I did English. I did Acting. Nothing I’ve learned...

9 Ways to Use Raw Honey

We’ve been wild about raw honey for around 9,000 years now (and counting): from beeswax found in pots at Neolithic archaeological sites, to Ancient Egyptians who used honey for sweetening foods, healing wounds, as a...

14 Tips To Reduce Social Media Stress

World Mental Health Day feels especially poignant this year. We’re globally navigating through extraordinary times and especially stressful scenarios. The effect on everybody’s mental health has been profound. Social media has in some ways this...