How To Handle Your Hormones

Nicki Williams, an award-winning nutritionist, author and hormone expert, was among the first to advise women on how to make the transition into menopause smooth and successful. Following her experience of the lack of support...

Why Holidays Are Healthy For You

Now that we can jet off almost entirely restriction-free, the statistics show that many of us are taking advantage of this freedom. Whether you’re spending a week on a sandy Spanish beach or parading the...

The Highs And Lows Of Leapfrog

In 2018, I was sitting in this spot at my desk I’m writing at now when I had a call with a scientist that changed my life. I’d been looking for a remedy to stop...

Why Am I Awake At Night?

Are your nights more restless than restful? Sleep – as we all know by now – is fundamental for immunity, mental health, stress recovery, cell growth and repair… the list goes on. With the world...

What’s GABA (And Why Do I Need It)?

When it comes to improving sleep, tips such as avoiding staring at screens at night and consuming caffeine might spring to mind. The benefits of these sleep techniques and others that we write about in...

Meet The Scientist Who Loves Lactoferrin

Dr Hamid Merchant is Leapfrog’s consultant Pharmaceutical Scientist and is based at the University of Huddersfield where he teaches research and works with pharma companies to improve their products’ efficacy and safety. In 2021 he...

“Leapfrog Is A Saviour Product”

At Leapfrog we love the science behind our supplements, which is why you’ll often find interviews with scientists, nutritionists and wellness experts on our Journal pages (with a chunky bibliography that lists the sources and...

The Secret To Less Stress & More Sleep

Sleep is the bedrock of good health. Without it, we feel irritable and unproductive. A 2022 Stada study has found that UK adults sleep worse than the rest of Europe, so what’s keeping us awake...

How An Immunologist Fights A Cold

Dr Jenna Macciochi is a leading immunologist and author with over 20 years of experience researching the impact of lifestyle on the immune system in health and disease. She explains why lactoferrin is such a...